Suspend your reality. What is reality to you? Your career, kids, financial challenges, bills, food, exercise, clothes, going to school, health, illness etc.? Whatever reality is for you, it equates to responsibility…the mind is in reality mode. What we think affects how we feel. Your thoughts create emotions; emotions generate moods, and your feelings alter how your body functions. Personally, without taking a break from reality I will often find myself stressed and overly anxious. I need to allow myself to deal with my worries, and to feel my emotions. When my worries cannot be solved immediately, it is important that I am able to shut them off and not allow the negative stuff to wash over everything. I call this suspending my reality. How do I suspend my reality? A nice run with some music to keep me going will take my mind, emotions and body on a more clear, healthy path. I also LOVE movies! Two hours of losing myself in a different world, no worries, responsibilities not anything! So I asked some of you. “How do you suspend your reality? “
Many responses, here are a few:
Saganlives “I write. Time ceases to exist when I’m lost in my writing!”
Tallivansunder “Sometimes people suspend their reality by watching movies or reading books (like fantasy with magic in it)”
jemmen “Books, movies, vid. games, dancing, running, cycling, camping/hiking in the mountains.â€
bellyfatanswers“by reading a good book!”
crossstitcher “reading or taking a long walk – also reality suspends when I get in the zone designing or stitching”
beilnates “I normally do it by drawing the curtains, putting on some music and drinking a large vat of coffee”
mirandarights “reality is subjective. change your thinking, change your reality. also – cookies”
incslinger “a good fiction bookâ€
gloreebe88 “Consciously connected breathing/meditation…creates a suspension of reality for me.”
Follow these individuals on Twitter.Thank you everybody for your feedback!
Remember to take time away from reality and let your mind relax!
So I ask you. “How do you suspend your reality?”