Some words to reflect on as you take a ride on your journey:
Healthy Living Today
A helping hand can teach you a lot about yourself
How often do you find yourself figuring out ways to grow?We all have dreams and goals.
But, what if that’s all wrong? What if all this “me, me, me” is slowing hampering your progress?
What if you could stop thinking about yourself so much and start spending time helping others?
Khalil Gibran quotes, “You give but little when you give of your possessions. It’s when you give of yourself that you truly give.”
So true!
Research shows that focusing on helping others helps us learn a great deal about ourselves.
Doing Good Does Us Good
Further research has found plenty of examples of how doing good feels good and does you good, too.
For example, volunteering provides many well-being and depression-lowering benefits.
There’s even neural evidence out there that suggests a link between happiness and generosity in your brain. For instance, donating money to a charity close to your heart activates the same areas of your brain that respond to monetary rewards.
What’s more, it’s been discovered that helping other people be happy, helps us be happy.
This is the biggest and the most important lesson I’ve learned about myself from helping others.
But, there have been a few other things I’ve learned along the way.
Doing Good Feels Great
It’s been said already but doing good makes me feel great. By helping others, I feel better about myself. Seeing someone smile or tears of joy fills my heart.
Karma Really Does Go Both Ways
Too often, we think of karma in a negative way. If you do bad, bad comes knocking at your door.
But, it works the other way, too. I find that when I help other people, good things seem to happen.
You may not subscribe to the idea of a universe that rewards good deeds and intentions, yet there’s something to be said about how helping other people has changed my perspective.
When I help others, I feel better about myself, and I find that it increases the chances of my next experience being a good one.
Helping Others Fosters Gratitude
Helping other people brings a deep appreciation of all that you have in life. When I help others, I’m reminded of what really matters. I notice the smaller moments or things that bring me joy.
You Don’t Have to be Anything Sensational
When I help people, I don’t feel the pressure to be anything special. I don’t need to think about how I dress, how I look, how witty I am. I don’t even need anything fascinating to talk about.
I just need an open heart and the willingness to connect with another person. To care. To lift them up for a little while and let them know I am there for them.
Something for Something
Whenever I’ve helped someone, they’ve helped me in some way. It’s the basic, unspoken agreement of quid pro quo or something for something.
It’s so much easier to find help when someone knows you’re likely to do the same for them. It seems that when you help enough people, it’s given back when it’s most needed.
So, how can you start helping others so that you can begin a journey towards growth and self-awareness?
Here are my 3 ideas.
3 Ways You Can Start Helping Others NowThese are just 3 ideas. The ways you can help others are endless.
It’s about shifting your mindset from self-service to helping other people. Take baby steps.
You’ll be amazed at how helping others will help you get ahead in life with a positive attitude and a massive happiness boost!
“If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them.”
-Dalai Lama
Let’s help each other! Follow my journey here at
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Time for a life adjustment? Here’s what you can focus on right now.
You and I have something in common: we both want to improve our lives and be the best versions of ourselves we can be.
But, how many people do you know that have lived their lives pretty much the same way forever?
I know plenty.
Let me tell you something: you are capable of making big transformations. Think along the lines of significant, lasting changes that you can work on right now.
You’ve got to be prepared to step beyond your current life and embrace new habits to focus on what you can change now. In other words, to create the kind of life you want, you have to change something you do each day.
It is up to us to be true to ourselves. To be authentic. It ought to be your life’s mission to express yourself boldly and to love the you that you create.
How? It’s not as difficult as you think. Let’s forget about the past and what you can’t change – it’s done. It’s over.
Let’s focus on right now and what you can change to start living the best version of you.
8 Actionable Tips for Focusing on What You Can ChangeForget about that right now!
The friends, influences, and acquaintances you make by speaking your truth are the ones you want in your tribe.
I’m going to put this out there right now: honesty is the key to success. Without honesty and being able to speak your truth, the ability to perform, and to do so with confidence, simply cannot exist.Write down everything you want for yourself and set a few timelines.
This is a great way for you to see what even a little planning can do when it comes to focusing on what you can change.There’s nothing wrong with making mistakes or being wrong, provided you’re willing to make corrections.
It comes back to speaking your truth and being yourself, warts and all. Let everyone know the real you.
We’re all imperfect, and we know we have flaws.
Worried about what others will think? That’s a fear I know you can face head-on, just the way you can focus on your influence and changing your behavior.Well, let me tell you this: “you’re worth it!”
Create a few phrases you can use every day to remind yourself to relax or take action. It will help to remind you that you can change your today’s and tomorrows to live your best life.Take a walk. Go shopping for that engagement ring. Research new careers.
Do one thing right now and you’ll be on your way to changing your life in no time.
Don’t Forget to Lighten Up!
The same way you’re dumping perfectionism today (you are, right?), let your inner child out. Find the time and fun for more laughter.
With these tips, you can practice being more mindful, present and having more fun while taking action to live your best and most honest life.
You owe it to yourself.
“I Want to Live Not just Survive.”
Follow me on my journey to change at
Image: Pixabay
Gratitude has ample positive effects on life
It changes lives. That is the incredible power of gratitude. Notice the Good. Always.
How do you practice gratitude? How exactly can you train your brain to choose a path of gratefulness? Especially if you’ve been negative for far too long.
It’s actually a simple answer: you look towards your authentic feelings. You accept your challenges and fears rather than turning away.
That might be a simple answer, but it’s also daunting, isn’t it?
You’ve got to start by acknowledging every emotion minus judgment.
Spending your energy on things that don’t go your way overshadows all the things in your daily life that bring you an appreciation for this life.
According to Robert Emmons, a UV Davis psychologist and a world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude, contrasting present times with negative times in the past can make you feel happier and enhance your well-being.
Emmons teaches that an attitude of gratitude is vital, especially in times of crises. Gratitude builds up a sort of psychological immune system to cushion potential falls. It helps you gain a positive perspective as you cope with whatever challenges you may face.
Defeatist Club
If you belong to the defeatist club and are one for focusing on the negatives, it’s time to cancel that membership.
Maybe challenge yourself to a path of gratitude? Stop those negative patterns of thought and flip your life around with a positive way of thinking?
When you’re grateful about things, you’re not stuck in anxiety or fear. You’re happier. You’re healthier. You sleep better. You take action. You focus on what you can change now. Look backward only if you want to go backward.
Stressful situations seem less stressful. You can even recover quicker when there are blips.
Gratitude even makes you friendlier! Studies have found that people who regularly practice gratitude are more empathetic, kinder, and supportive.
Ready to get grateful?
Harnessing Your Gratitude Every Day
The same way you take time out for your workouts, to do the shopping, or even grab a coffee, I want you to dedicate a little time to develop an attitude of gratefulness. Here are a few steps to get you started.Vary the Way You Express Gratitude
You don’t want your new ways to become a chore, so vary the ways in which you express your gratefulness. For instance, keep a journal one month and then the next month write to someone who has inspired you.
By shaking things up, you will continue to enhance your happiness and expand your path.
You’ve Got This
Some of the happiest people in the world come from the humblest of backgrounds. Yet, they’re grateful for what they have and they’re simply happy. Gratitude is really something any of us can do, no matter our situations, pasts, and circumstances.
Best of all, the brain is wired to reward gratitude. So, when you practice gratitude, it activates the brain’s reward center, leading you to look for more happiness. Gratitude releases serotonin and dopamine – those feel-good brain chemicals. The more you’re rewarded like this, the more you’re likely to continue on a path of gratitude, and the more reward you will gain.
I “can” and will.” Work on improving your self-doubt, get rid of vocabulary like “won’t” and can’t” and start changing your life for the better.
Gratitude has positive effects on your physical, mental, social, emotional, and psychological health.
What more reason do you need to start being grateful? Get started today.
Thank you for reading!
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Image: Pixabay