Some fantastic sites that I had the pleasure to visit over the past week……Starting with Chuck, he is on a mission to help under-loved blogs get more attention: How You Can Help End the Problem of Blogs With Great Content and No Readers this is a great idea!
Head over to Chris’s show—> Answers for Freelancers where they discuss how one creates and runs a businesses that generates income that does not include billing for hourly, project or any other rate. Awesome tips! .
Lori Lose Weight Quickly by Clicking Your Mouse, “a picture is altered to show you what you will look like 20 lbs thinner.”
Finally do you Wanna Lose Weight? Here Comes Big Pharma’s Newest and Bestest Magic Bullet! DR shares his take on the “Magic Pill”The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment. -Earl NightingaleHave a wonderful, fulfilling weekend!
30 users commented in " Linking time again! "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a Trackbacka blog guru once said to me:
the virtual word is so wacky…IF YOU BUILD IT THEY MAY NOT COME.
so unlike other realms huh?
@Miz, Hmmm…always have to ponder after your comments. But I get it! Thanks! π
Have a great weekend Mark!
@Donna, You too! thanks!
Even though a site that shows you how you will look thinner may motivate some people, which is a good thing, I can’t help but see it as a Hollywood movie where the world is saved and when I leave the theater, nope, same old world!
@Dr. J, Ahh yes…more media, Hollywood stuff….will ever end? π
Thanks for the links! Have a great weekend.
@tfh, Thank you…enjoy!
I have joined the blogging brigade over at Chuck’s site.
Hmmm…Just read Dr J’s comment. Now I have to go see what she is referring to. Might be back smile
@Urban Panther, Dr.J makes some good points! π
I’m back…oooo…not really comfortable with that approach. It totally emphasizes weight loss to improve appearance…thin and beautiful as Lori puts it…rather than for improved health and all the associated intrinsic values that go along with weight loss. And what if you don’t lose 20 pounds and look like your picture, but lose 10 pounds yet are muscular and healthy? Did you fail because you don’t look like your picture? Hmmm….I definitely see some dangers associated with this.
@Urban Panther, Very, very valid points! Thank you as always for your input!
Love the idea to help out blogs gain more commenters! Such good links.
@Sagan, great idea…agreed!
Thanks for the links! I’m always on the hunt for great blogs to read. Have a awesome weekend, Mark
@Anya, you too!
Ill take a look
@Suzie, Thanks!
I really like the concept behind what Chuck is looking to do for other bloggers out there – very cool!
Great choices today; fun and useful. Thanks!
@Mark – Thanks for the Linky Love!
@Dr. J – I posted this mainly as a resource of a motivational tool. I know that for most people a “visual reminder” of how they would like their world to be is usually very helpful especially at critical times like choosing a snack or deciding how important that workout really is. It is always easier to move toward a goal when we are looking at the “positive” of the goal (i.e. My goal is to be in shape like in the picture) vs. the negative (i.e. I have to give up my chocolate cake or I have to give up time that I could be doing X in order to get my workout in.)
@Urban Panther – I agree with you totally about losing weight for health benefits. (At 43, “getting bikini ready” isn’t even near my goal list, and I’m in reasonably good shape.) Recently, I lost weight strictly for the health benefits (see About Me on my blog if you’re interested) but I sure enjoyed the added benefit of looking good again and fitting into clothes that I hadn’t in a long time. Which gave me additional mental health benefits, too. So, I guess what I’m saying is whether someone’s goal is to lose weight for health or for looking good they are still going to reap both of those rewards. And since being consistent about eating right and exercising is hard work – any motivational tool that helps to accomplish that should be welcomed.
Have a great weekend my friend!
love your quote, and some interesting links:)
Mark I LOVE that quote!! I may have to steal it to use in the future! π Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the posting the interesting links.
Mark – I love that you are doing so much to help other bloggers! I’m just getting started and just beginning to understand how helpful it is when someone does what you are doing. Cathy over at Noble Pig thought I’d like your site and sent me your way. Seems like so many bloggers are able to follow their passion and do their own thing their own way. That entrepreneurial spirit is so closely tied to the quote you posted. And bloggers are entrepreneurs after all, right?
You always generous to share information! Have a nice weekend!
Thanks for the links-I’m headed to see Chuck now!
Great links as usual! Chuck’s idea reminds me of SITS (the secret is in the sauce).
LOVE that first link!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the links π You always point me in the direction I haven’t been π
AHHH, right – it WAS you, which is one of the other reasons I clicked on Kelley’s article (you have some credibility with me). Well…Day 2, and we shall see. I figure the fact that I had willpower yesterday can just be attributed to the placebo effect. But the big news is, I resisted the chocolate.
@Holly, Ah thanks! π good for you! Stay strong!
[…] Mark Salinas’ blog, I read another comment, from a Dr. J, and then added the following comment of my […]