Some fantastic sites that I had the pleasure to visit over the past week……Starting with Chuck, he is on a mission to help under-loved blogs get more attention: How You Can Help End the Problem of Blogs With Great Content and No Readers this is a great idea!


Head over to Chris’s show—> Answers for Freelancers where they discuss how one creates and runs a businesses that generates income that does not include billing for hourly, project or any other rate. Awesome tips! .

Lori Lose Weight Quickly by Clicking Your Mouse, “a picture is altered to show you what you will look like 20 lbs thinner.”

Finally do you Wanna Lose Weight? Here Comes Big Pharma’s Newest and Bestest Magic Bullet! DR shares his take on the “Magic Pill”
The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment. -Earl Nightingale
Have a wonderful, fulfilling weekend!