I want to share with you my day in Boot Camp. At 5 am we started out on the Step mill, 2 minutes, level 20, 5 times with 30 second breaks. Initial gym work consisted of 5 sets of 20 push ups with “Bear Crawls”
with weights in between each. Next, 3 sets of
“Superback“( Chest Press, Bent Over Row, Rear Delt Row) with a sprint in between each. Then…3 sets of burpees
and a Shuttle Run in between. Finally 10 pushups followed by sprints around the gym 3 times…3 sets. Lots of push ups and running!
First hour complete.
Sweating and tired looking forward to another 60 minute workout.. NOT!
We took the next hour outside. Greg the “fearless” leader had a devious look on his face!
“Horse pulls” across a 100 yd. parking lot up a 50 ft. hill and back 3 times! Followed by…..
more push ups…lots of them! Shoulder presses across the parking lot, traveling lunges with curls on the return (3 sets). Ok, back inside Pyramid runs around both gyms, ending with more pushups….I am worn out, thank you!
Not that calories are everything but….2100 calories burned and mission accomplished!
There you have it a morning in Boot Camp!
34 users commented in " Boot Camp "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackWow. I’m exhausted for you.
I did 30 minutes of power yoga. I feel like such a weenie.
@FBG Jenn, From what I have heard Yoga is a fantastic workout, it is on my shortlist..what is Power Yoga?
Um, I’m tired now. But also motivated to try boot camp in my lifetime. That’s going to be me new goal by the end of the summer – I’m going to start researching now!
@Jenn, That would be great….Boot Camp has been a big part of my Journey!
So you are attending a boot camp? Neat.
That sounds amazing – I definitely want to try bootcamp someday!
@Laura, it is very rewarding…..you could even look for “total body” or muscle strength classes if Boot Camp isn’t available.
I am tired just looking at all of that. Congrats to you! Looks like I need to get my a$$ to boot camp. π
@Rachel D., Time to do it! π
Wow, that’s an unreal amount of calories…good for you!
That’s a killer workout just in portions. Put it all together (like you did), and that’s a crazy killer workout! I bet you felt drained, but elated at the end.
And the good thing about a workout like this is that you’ll continue to get the caloric benefits for a couple of days.
@Lance, I did ravage a bit on the food…tomorrow is a 10 mile run day….back at Boot Camp on Friday. Thanks for the comments!
That is WAY too much for me right now. I seriously don’t think I could make it through the first 10 minutes without feeling faint. Hopefully I’ll get to where I could make it through the whole 2 hours.
@Big Girl, 2 hours is unnecessary…. a few days a week of cardio, maybe 30-45 minutes each, along with a class or 2 of strength training will heed wonderful results! Thanks for your feedback!
Good for you
You’ve made me tired just reading about it. 5:00 AM? I think I’ll go take a nap.
@Dr. Hubbard, Ha! It definitely took some time getting used to.
I have a friend in Florida who is considering doing boot camp there. Man, that is a lot of calories burned π I don’t think my Walking Away the Pounds dvds would even compare π Someday I will get there. Love your blog by the way!
@Annette, Walking is great..keep at it. Thanks for your feedback!
That’s too funny, we were just talking about joining a boot camp at work today. I don’t think I’m up for it yet. Still have a few more pounds to lose (say 30) before I’ll be up for anything hard like that. But it definitely sounds interesting.
Thanks for the encouraging post yesterday. I’m still going strong. Thanks!
@–>cara, Stay strong and thanks for your feedback!
Yikes, yours is 2 hours??? I can barely handle the one hour Boot Camp classes my husband and I are doing! That’s awesome though – 2100 calories! Woo Hoo! And those bear crawls – glad to hear someone else knows what they are – must be a Boot Camp thing, huh? π
@FatFighter, Those bear crawls are awesome! Usually the class is one hour. Thanks!
I went through Navy bootcamp back in the early 80s. Best workout I ever had!
@Kate, Navy Bootcamp would be intense!
Woah that sounds amazing! I don’t think we have anything like that near me but I would definitely be tempted to have a go if we did.
Do you fuel up at all during the two hours? And how on earth do you manage to do ANYTHING requiring brain power for the rest of the day? I can’t seem to do intensive cardio for more than an hour without having a bad case of the Post Workout Zombies for the rest of the day!
TA x
@tokaiangel, With intense workouts I always fuel up prior, Peanut Butter Toast is usually my first choice. During the workout I drink lots of water and after a protein bar and some eggs.
OK, I’ll be honest. You lost me at 5am!
@Mama Zen, That’s a start! π
That would boot me right into the hospital! Congrats to you for being in such great shape!
I loved your post about the special box.
@Tipper, Thanks Tipper!
I’m tired from just reading that.
You go man!
@Strong One, You would fit right in!
pouts I’m jealous of your boot camping! Sounds wonderful:) Man I miss it. I’ve been dealing with my boot camp cravings by following the 30 day shred dvd every other day so that somewhat fills my need for it. Thats great that you’re having such a great time with the boot camp!
@Sagan, Great that you are keeping busy! Thanks!
That sounds amazing and hard and great and GO YOU! I always think, someday…someday I will be able to enroll in something like that. This just makes me want to figure out how even sooner! Good work.
@Hannah, You are doing great! Thanks for the feedback.
Like most people here, I broke a sweat just reading that! π It sounds like an amazing routine and I applaud you for doing it!!
@Cynthia – Healthy Hollywood, Thanks for your feedback! π
That is dedication! A two hour intense workout is beyond most of us.
@Gabrielle, I was definitely done at the end! Thanks for the feedback!
That’s really nice that they give you Bear Claws during class to keep up your energy, I may have to try it.
@Juicebox.mom, Ha! Give them a shot….:)
[…] a work out! Boot Camp at Healthy Living Today gives a run down of Mark’s exercises for the […]
Reading your post literally brought me back to when I went to a exercise-type camp for obese people. Although I wasn’t the largest one there, I certainly was in the worst shape. I was literally throwing up and gasping for air every time we did a “figure-8” on the standing, sprinting back and forth in the middle of the track, then jogging/walking 3 miles 2x/day. I think to say I burned 2100 calories per day is an understatement. Needless to say, I thanked my guru at the end of the camp. It helped me realize how important it is to keep your body moving: It’s definitely not all diet. They should re-name it Exercise, diet, and then more exercise!
Wow! 2000+ calories burned in your boot camp session that is a serious boot camp. The parking lot routine sounds like it was a killer. Looks like Greg definitely had it out for everyone that day!
[…] a work out! Boot Camp at Healthy Living Today gives a run down of Mark’s exercises for the […]
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[…] a work out! Boot Camp at Healthy Living Today gives a run down of Mark’s exercises for the […]
[…] a work out! Boot Camp at Healthy Living Today gives a run down of Mark's exercises for the […]
[…] a work out! Boot Camp at Healthy Living Today gives a run down of Mark’s exercises for the […]