Why journal writing works for fitness and Health
What gives us the means to understand our own pasts, presents, and futures? How do we document our struggles, victories, and lives in general? The answer is with a journal.
Journal writing provides some much-needed mental clarity in this crazy, cluttered world. It helps us see our lives in the bigger picture and is the perfect way to catalog every success along the way.
Journal writing can improve your life. It helps clarify your thoughts, better assess whether or not you’re on track towards to achieving your goals, and even help you determine if you’re on the right fitness path for your health and lifestyle.
No matter what your goals may be, I bet a journal can help you. It’s a flexible and incredibly powerful tool that sheds light on achieving any goal you set your heart and mind to.
Journaling lets you plan your goals
One of the best things I love about journaling is that it allows me to continually ask “where am I now?” It helps me decide where I’m going and how I’m going to get there, too.
In the hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to get lost and lose perspective along the way. But journaling brings you back to the “why.”
A place to store ideas
Jotting things down on a scrap of paper is great, but storing all your notes, ideas, and concepts in one place is the way to go. It’s the way to create a treasure trove of inspiration for your fitness journey.
Journaling gives you the chance to take a step back and review the week that was and the week that’s coming up. It’s an exceptional discipline that lets you check what you’ve learned and how to move forward.
Journaling shouldn’t just be a long and never-ending to-do list. By organizing your thoughts and goals in your journal, you should be better able to commit time to do what you want to do and knock that to do list on the head.
What’s Important
It’s easy to get blinded by our own self-importance and general busyness. It’s easy enough to lose sight of what you want to achieve. Using a journal reminds you of your fitness and health goals and ambitions and challenges you to ensure your activities now are relevant to your goals at large.
Reflection is one of the greatest teachers. It lets you learn about yourself and what does and doesn’t work just for you. You get to see and hear yourself from an outsider’s perspective. Journaling can help you with that.
When you read back in your journal, you do so as an observer, and that can tell you volumes about where you’re headed and how you’re getting there.
Using a journal regularly enables you to see how even your smallest steps create a larger whole. You can constantly monitor your progress and evaluate it to adjust tactics as needed.
It’s Not Judgmental
Your journal does not judge you. It’s completely neutral. A safe space for you to own yourself.
As you can see, journaling is exceptionally powerful, especially in terms of your health and fitness achievements, goals, and action items.
Do you journal?
Find more journaling tips at marksalinas.com.
Image: Pexels
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