It is Sunday and for many of us we take on a much more relaxed approach. Are you spending the day watching football? Probably Brett Favre and the Vikings :). Maybe a movie or two are on the Sunday approach? I thought a bit of activity would keep my mind on the positive track.
The task is a light, higher rep routine to keep it simple. The Sunday Approach:
Squat Thrusts- 3 sets of 20…..
Rest and recovery are always important but occasionally a soft Sunday approach works for me !. Decide what you want .. believe you can have it, believe you deserve it, believe it’s possible for you. -Byrne
9 users commented in " Sunday Approach "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackI had an easy Sunday: I ran a 10K, played tennis, and lifted weights. Tomorrow, back to the hard stuff, lol!
Hi Dr. J, Yikes! So much for rest! 🙂
Hey Mark!
Seeing the squat thrusts reminds me of a quick workout I used to do, that it’s time to bring back! Time to get sweated up!!
Wonderful, Mark! I love the idea of doing something everyday, but adjusting the intensity—especially on Sundays 😉
Hi Lance! They are quick and effective!
Hi JoeGirl! I agree…thanks!
Ahh, the dreaded bicycle crunch. Work good, though.
AAww.. skip the squat thrust – go right for the burpee!
Hi Yum Yuck! It does indeed!
Hi Sean! Good tip!
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» Sunday Approach Mark Salinas, MN: Healthy Living Today…