Contest* Our guest this week Judith Lederman is the author of Joining the Thin Club: Tips for Toning Your Mind After You’ve Trimmed Your Body (Three Rivers Press). The book contains tips for losing weight and keeping it off for good.
If ever there has been a time to get emotional, it’s been these past few weeks. Between the stock market volatility, and the anxious atmosphere that pervades almost any workplace, the tendency is to nest and horde – two psychological behaviors that, when combined, translate into eating endlessly. Who knows if tomorrow we will have money left for food—so let the eating frenzy begin! And before you know it, as the market drops, the scale tops! I should add, that I am writing this from the perspective of a woman who lost 80 lbs. AND whose job was eliminated last February. I am determined not to let market fluctuations and work-related anxiety send me back to size 22!
So how do we quell the tendencies to stuff our anxiety by stuffing our mouths full of food?
I can only tell you what I’m doing:
1. Don’t be “cookie-whipped!†Victim mentality is a state of mind so easy to fall into, as I reference in chapter six (Risky Times) of my book, Joining the Thin Club: Tips for Toning Your Mind After You’ve Trimmed Your Body. Whether it is the market or the milkshake that is your dominatrix, put your mind in gear and take back your life.
2. Stay in motion! Yes, most of us are pretty sedentary most of the day but set aside time EACH DAY to do a cardio-workout. It will boost your brain chemicals and make you feel better AND it will burn some of the excess calories you may consume if you ARE an emotional eater. I kickbox every morning. It takes the edge off the rest of the day.
3. Plan, plan, PLAN! Now, more than ever, if you are working in a traditional workplace, bring your meals with you. You will feel like you are saving yourself money – AND you can control your meals and snacks without resorting to caloric cafe food. If you work at home, make sure that you take a lunch break. When you are your own boss, there is a tendency to just grab easy food and eat in front of the computer. After all, no one is paying you to eat lunch. I take the time and fix myself a healthy snack – and eat it AWAY from the computer. (I only tweet about my snacks! LOL).
4. Keep fueled during the day (small high protein meals will keep your blood sugar from dipping and making you anxious). Opt for green tea instead of coffee. Limit caffeine intake. And add Omega 3 fish oil to your diet. It is a natural anti-depressant. A handful of almonds is good too.
5. Pray! I add prayers to my day to help me meditate and gain perspective. When I realize that I am not always the one in control, it helps me deal with the downturns that life occasionally produces.
So, let the stock market do what it’s doing. I’ll find a way to pay the rent. But when I come out of the economic downturn and times are good again, I want to be able to fit into the sexy gold sheath that fits me just right! No muumuus for this working mama!
*Judith Lederman will give away one signed copy of the book to the lucky winner! To enter for the give away simply share an action(s) that you take to stay on the health path during your journey ?
The winner of the book will be picked on Wednesday Oct. 1st. !
For a copy of the book you can visit Judith Lederman at Joining the Thin Club.
—The Winner of the signed book giveaway is Sagan…Congratulations Sagan!—
45 users commented in " Stock Market’s Down–So’s My Scale! Yessss! "
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Between the stock market volatility, and the anxious atmosphere that pervades almost any workplace, the tendency is to nest and horde – two psychological behaviors that, when combined, translate into eating endlessly. ……
Thanks Mark and Judith, excellent post and advise.
YES on all of it.
especially the planning (for me setting myself up for success) and the praying (for me visualizing)
thanks for the sunday pick me up!
I keep a food journal and exercise at least 5 days a week to help me stay on the health path during my journey. Thanks for the chance to enter.
This sounds like an awesome book. I think for me keeping my mindset and emotions in check first…the rest will follow naturally.
If you have an injury, stresses in your life that are beyond your control … you tend to try to be in control of something so you reach for the extra snacks/food that in turn only works against your results. Keeping a journal helps me keep my mindset in focus and on the right track.
Also making use of your time. Many parents at my kids soccer practices just sit there for the entire hour. I usually bring my kettlebell or walk for the hour and try to encourage others to walk with me….
Keep Pressin’ on 🙂
Sounds like just the book I need! I lost nearly 50 lbs., then let it all creep back on.
This sounds like a great inspirational and motivational book! Thank you for inviting me to join the contest. 🙂 you’re such a dear friend!
Great tips – I agree that once you have mastered the healthy eating information and decided what you need to do in order to get healthy and lose weight, you need to then get your mind set and on track too.
Planning has to be one of my biggest downfalls – or rather having wishy washy plans (bringing food but not saying no to my officemate when he suggests going to get food. Definately have to remember that one and STICK TO IT!!! Or rather plan for my reactions.
Keeping fueled is my other downfall…hard to say no to fattening food when you’re “famished”.
Thanks for the great tips!
Great post. I agree with the planing and staying in motion.
Thanks for the tips! What helps me is definitely to plan. I plan out all of our meals for the next 5-7 days at a time and then stick it up on the fridge. I also pack a lunch to take to work everyday which also includes several snacks for me to munch on like fruit, nuts, and carrot sticks. That keeps me from nibbling on the goodies that coworkers bring in. And because our dinners are already planned and bought ahead of time I don’t have to worry about grabbing extra stuff at the checkout line at the grocery store because everything I need is already at home for that nights dinner.
Great tips! I exercise 5 days a week at least…and I always try to add in whatever Mark suggests for the week (like wall sits, or pushups, to mix it up a bit); but still need help with the eating, I need to do a better job with planning out my meals. thanks
Sounds like a great book. I am always reminding myself of how far I’ve come, so that if I happen to slip up and eat that cookie or brownie, I don’t beat myself up over it. I just move on.
Great post — thank you for it. For me, journaling is key to keeping me on track. (And it’s so easy to fall by the wayside …)
Let’s hope things will turn around soon in the economy…and that I don’t turn to food to ease the anxiety. So far, I’m doing great! 🙂
Good tips. Thanks 🙂
Who knows what will happen to the financial world, it doesn’t have to destroy our health. Great post!
Not a day goes by that I don’t take the opportunity to do something active. Some days are definitely more active than others, but whether it’s walking a mile one-way to catch the Metro in the morning, or biking to the gym or the grocery store, or going to the gym to lift weights — I’m getting that activity in.
One of my many mantras is the five P’s.
Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
This can be applied to every facet of your life. Make it a habit to think this way and you’ll be surprised as to how solid your life’s foundation will become!
As always, thanks Mark and great advice Judith.
Great tips! The big one for me is #3 – Plan. If I don’t have a plan, I’m much more likely to fail. Take eating – during the week I do plan my meals. And I eat really quite well. On the weekends, my planning has typically taken a backseat,and then my eating suffers. My takeaway – plan everyday of the week, not just the workweek. So, that’s my goal for this upcoming week…
This is all great advice! The number one thing I do to stay on track with my health is I make time every day to get active – usually at the gym doing cardio and weights, but on particularly busy days I at least take a 20-30min walk. The exercise is my escape from the stresses of life, and I’ve found it to be beneficial for both my body and my mind.
Great tips! For me I find that practicing gratitude and personal responsibility is what helps me make healthy decisions. I view my health and my body as a gift. It is my responsibility to take care of it. When I think of this and write in my gratitude journal it gives me the motivation I need to get to the gym or to avoid a high calorie food.
I have to say that planning sometimes helps me, but it also hinders my healthy habits. I personally hate routine and schedules. I have a goal each week for the amount of activity I will get, but when (as far as time of day) I get it fluctuates and flows with how I am feeling and what I am in the mood for. The creativity and freedom from routine keeps me from disliking exercise and viewing it as a chore to get done.
Great tips for a scary time!
Thanks for these tips! That book sounds great, I’d love to give it a read.
I go through SO MUCH white and green tea every day- so tasty and it keeps up the energy level! And I’ve figured out that working out early in the morning keeps me motivated for the rest of the day and gets me more energized, too (hurrah for 6am boot camp!).
The other thing? When I don’t get enough exercise, I really feel it. It affects all parts of my life- the other day I was having such a hard time concentrating on university readings so I went out for a walk for an hour to refresh and group my thoughts, and then I came back and read for the next 2 hours, completely focused.
It’s so crucial to know what keeps your brain functioning and keeps you mentally focused and in conjunction with your body.
Amen to all the suggestions! I make myself get out and do some form of exercise just about every day, and am ALWAYS glad I made the effort.
Also- you will be shocked on how much $$ you save bringing your lunch! Plus it’s usually healthier.
What do I do to stay on the healthy path? Why, read your blog of course! 🙂 Plus make an exercise plan and STICK TO IT.
Great ideas
Great tips! I now keep a food journal & take some time out of the day to focus on learning to become & stay healthy!
This is such a timely post for me. I do all of these things, even combining some, like praying while I’m on the elliptical. The only I would add, is that I’ve started drinking at least 8 oz of water as soon as I wake up, I’m so dehydrated after a night of sleep and it really gets me going as I head into the gym.
Fantastic advice!
I try to make sure that I get some downtime. It helps me avoid the “anxiety, reach for chocolate” cycle.
Planning is so important in every aspect of my day and life 😉 Praying ……never a day goes by without it.
I learn something new every time I visit Mark! Thanks! I didn’t know fish oil is a natrual anti-depressent. Very interesting!
Great post! I think by keeping a journal of what I eat helps to keep me on track. Staying in motion too, is key. Thanks for visiting my blog! 😉
Way to predict Monday!! So when is it going the other direction??
Great pointers. Yes, I need to keep up eating healthier and taking care of myself no matter how hard the times are.
Thanks for posting!
Sigh. I lose my appetite when I’m stressed. It may sound like a good thing, but being underweight is NOT.
Great tips. I certainly need to cut out caffeine more. Thank you for the reminder!
Great post and great tips (except I prefer to alternate weights with my cardio–don’t do very intentional cardio dately–however I do live in town and tend to walk a lot even when not “doing” my cardio).
My favorite advice to ‘stay on the path’ is what I’ve heard elsewhere online: “The best workout is the one you will do.” Some days I have the hardest time doing whatever workout I have planned. If I just can’t get into it, I change the plan and do something I like better–I’m still exercising but not making myself miserable with it!
oops, meant to write I “don’t do very intentional cardio daily” not “dately”–not sure what that was about.
I really like the title!
Nowadays I find myself craving for food. What I do to keep weight beside going gym, I will let myself just have a little bite of food that I’m craving. For instance, a small scoop of chocolate ice cream for that particular day.
In order to keep me healthy, I do find that a strong and clear mindset do help me to keep myself on track. Otherwise, we will be easily drawn to all kinds of temptations out there.
Morning prayer cycle and meditation later on in the day, plus a bracing cup of coffee outside first thing unless it’s snowing and blowing. Yoga stretches. Exercise bike. It all helps.
I love a good prayer to help me through my day. It allows me to let go of the pain and worry, letting me enjoy where I’m at in my day.
My favorite way to stay healthy is a consistent morning Yoga practice. It helps me stay flexible mentally and physically.
Great post! It seems as though all the fitness blogs out there are personally written for me at the moment, because the topics are really hitting home! How do I stay focused? At the moment, I don’t know.
Normally I would say that I do Taekwon-Do, a competitive martial art/sport. Normally I would say that training 5 nights a week in an intensive class that combines cardio/strength/flexibility keeps me pretty focused. But I don’t feel very normal at the moment.
Between injuries and general feelings of demotivation I’m not really myself. So right now I’m just taking things day by day. And to be honest I think it’s the Fitness Blogs that are keeping me going. (And I’m not just saying that to win the book!! I’m pretty sure you didn’t include international entries anyway! :o))
Sounds like an interesting book. I agree on all of the points Judith Lederman makes. 🙂
Thank you Judith for your wonderful post!
Thank you ALL for such terrific feedback! I have to tell you – you are all inspiring me right back! It’s wonderful when the energy can be shared!
We will be picking the winner in a few! Stay in touch! Judy