It is summer and my kids still prefer to be inside! In MN even! What to do? My wife came up with a creative plan, “let’s get a pool or maybe a trampoline.”
I thought, “We needed to act quickly while the options were still at two!” A trampoline it is! No pool, no way!
So the trampoline arrived while I was out for a few hours, my wife being her usual, ambitious self, didn’t wait for me. She decided to set it up herself (not an easy task for anyone)…an ambitious person to say the least!
So this big, blue thing has been sitting in our backyard for two weeks, getting a daily pounding from the kids. Hmmm….maybe we can take this to the next level? How hard can this be?
I want to see what kind of physical benefit one could get from bouncing on a trampoline for 30 minutes?
With the help of the kids and my trusty HR monitor, we decided to make the exercise a family fun event. We would play 3 games:
1) Crack the Egg- Object, the kids are lying down holding knees to chest and I would bounce high and hard for 10 minutes trying to get them to release their legs. Results :Tightness in the calves and butt started at about 9 minutes. Heart rate was in zone 3 towards the 10 minute mark, 115 calories burned!
1 minute standing break, water.
2) Flip the Pancake- Object, the kids would lie on their backs and I would continue to bounce for 10 minutes attempting to flip them over. Simple huh? NOT! Results: The calves, back up the legs and butt were starting to burn. My heart rate hit zone 3 at 3 minutes and continued to climb and finally hit zone 4 at the 10 minute mark. 155 additional calories burned + previous 115= 270
1 minute standing break, water
3) Hot Potato- With a volleyball now joining us, the kids and I would bounce 10 minutes while avoiding the ball. Results: The burn was intense in the calves, back of the legs, and butt. Hit Zone 4 at the two minute mark, unable to speak in sentences, while my kids were laughing and having a “jolly” time! 170 additional calories burned + previous combined 270 = 440 calories burned!
Results…sweat, exhausted, 440 calories burned and today a sore glutamous maximus (butt), and calves. Most of all a fulfilling, fun time with the kids.
Obviously results will vary and not everybody has a trampoline, just another day to keep active and have fun with the kids :)!
I did some research and found an article Bouncing for Health that explains the benefits of bouncing.
Give it a try…bouncing can be fun and intense!
40 users commented in " Bouncing for Fun and Health "
Follow-up comment rss or Leave a TrackbackWhat a great idea! I like how you took a fun activity with the kids and turned it into a great way to get in a workout. Bouncing is extremely healthy for us. It is highly recommend for those fighting cancer because of how well it cleans out the lymphatic system.
@Lori Bonaparte – Unity Home Fitness,
I just found out how fantastic it was! I might have to make make this a weekly, family, fitness event!
I used to love playing crack the egg when I was younger. I miss those summer nights on the trampoline!
@Jenn, Very fun!
we do the trampoline (aka the JUMPY JUMPY) a lot around herre (shocking I realize given that my daughter is deemed the Toddler Tornado).
I swear that’s half the reason I think I feel so young.
I still DO the things I did when I WAS YOUNG!
If she is anything like her mom…she is definitely a tornado! :)I agree…do the fun things and keep young!
I never had a trampoline but I used to bounce on my bed a lot when I was little… my parents weren’t too happy about how I ruined my bed by doing so:)
Trampolines are SO much fun though!
@Sagan, Ha! Thanks for the feedback.
We have had a trampoline for over 10 years now. Both our kids grew up on it and I confess that even our adult friends love it and use it during BBQs. It is fabulous cardio and works incredible magic on the calves and things, have fun, it has been blessing for us and will be missed the day it becomes outgrown and unloved by all!
@Claudia, I don’t ever want to outgrow my new exercise toy! Great feedback..thank you!
Would it be wrong for me to skip out on work to go home and jump on our trampoline???
I will definitely be cracking some eggs tonight!! =)
@Jill, Do it for 30 minutes and you might feel like you ran hard for an hour.
“Scramble em!”
sounds like fun. wish we had one. My kids would be all over it!
@Rachel, It was either a trampoline or a pool for us. I like the choice we made!
Man . . . we used to have a trampoline – and we all loved it . . . now I want another one.
@IzzyBeth, get it back ! π
Family fitness – I love it. My kids tend to “wander” inside until I get on them to get out and enjoy. So, now I just need a trampoline…
@Lance, Isn’t that the truth! The whole wandering thing got old so we made the leap….”so far so good!”
I used to jump on my mini-tramp every day for 45 minutes without fail.
And it did do wonders for my legs. Also, it’s great cardio if you add your arms.
@SanDiegoMomma, Wow, 45 minutes! I will have to work up to that. Thanks for the feedback!
The Hot Potato game sounds like a lot of fun! I’ll have to give that a try with my little one.
@Mama Zen, It is!
I can remember as a high school athlete, we used the trampoline (I was a diver & swimmer) as a training tool for different moves.
It always turned into a great cardio workout. And if you think about it… a great plyometric alternative!
@StrongOne, I was utterly surprised by the results of the 30 minute bouncing experiment. A great ply. alternative indeed..less stress on the joints.
wow – what a great & fun idea π
@lindsay, Thanks for the visit! π
I love to jump on a trampoline! We don’t have one but my brother does. I’m going to tell my girls about the neat games you listed so they can enjoy them next time their there-Thanks!
sounds like so much fun! and i lobe that you made it a family thing π
my daughter has her own trampoline, but she wont let mommy on it π
I think this could be considered highly dangerous, BUT, doesn’t the kid in you kind of want a trampoline AND a pool? Then you could jump into the pool. And give your mother a heart attack.
That’s awesome! What a great way to include the whole family in getting some exercise that’s also fun – that’s what it’s all about in my opinion.
From a fellow Minnesotan – just thought I would pop in and say hello..! I just found your site and haven’t had a chance to read back a ton yet, but I love it so far!
Crack the Egg was possibly the greatest game invented.. except for when you [inevitably] get hit in your nose with your knee. =]
I used to see a lot of broken bones from people using trampolines. Not so much any more. I think they have made them much safer within the last few years.
My neighbors have one and the teenage girls are out there alost every day.
@Tipper, make it a family fit time!
@fitarella, maybe mom should sneak in there and show her how fun it is :)?
@Jenn, yes….as a parent the thought of getting hurt is there, a safety net and plenty of room within the trampoline are helpful. Thanks!
@FatFighter,Absolutely…a “super, duper fun time!” per the kids, and a good workout for dad :).
@Erika, Hi! Finally a decent stretch of nice weather in MN! I imagine the nose and knee wouldn’t be much fun :)…..thanks for the comments!
@James Hubbard, It is amazing how limber the kids are…flopping around. Dad is the concern for injury :). My teenage daughter and her friends have a sprinkler going while they are on the trampoline. Thanks for the feedback.
The trampoline is great exercise I wish I would buy my kids one!
@noble pig, Excellent exercise..:)
I can so see my husband doing this with my toddler. Me- it would be a good workout but I get nauseous after bouncing for more than 5-10 minutes. It would be worth it for the family time for sure and teaching that being fit is fun.
@Hannah, Works for some not for others good feedback……Thanks!
Mark, trampolines are a blast… you need to perfect the double bounce to both crack the egg and flip the pancake!
Trampolines are great for people (like myself) with knee problems because you can do jumping/plyometric activities without the hard impact of landing.
Now if only I had a backyard…
@Mallory, My kids are the acrobats….I just bounce :). I have heard the many benefits of a trampoline if one has a knee issue etc. Less impact=less stress. Thanks for the feedback!
Sounds like a lot of fun for you and your kidlets. I’d be afraid to know just how much of me kept on bouncing long after I stopped! π
@hilary, Ha! π
After reading this I so want to get a trampoline!
@Rachel, Surprising results!
It is a workout – I was surprised! I am impressed that your wife set it up by herself – I tried for about an hour and then was like “Will, PLEASE help ME!” The first day Sam bounced on it for 5 hours – I was nervous she displaced some organs!
J π
@LobotoME, Ha! It is fun! Great to see the family is enjoying it! When I have to move something heavy I don’t call a buddy I just have my wife help! She is something else! Thanks for the feedback! π