Time to get the week started with some movement!

Mountain Climbers

1-Get in the basic push-up position with your arms in line with your chest and your legs extended outward.
2-Rest on the balls of your feet while bringing one leg forward to your chest and back to its original position. Keep the other leg tucked during the forward and back movement of the leg.
3-Your bent leg and hands should carry the weight of your body. Hold your head up during the back and forth leg movements.
4-Repeat the motion in Step 2 rapidly, alternating one leg forward and one leg back.

Start with 60 seconds followed by 50 seconds next 40 seconds to 30 seconds. Work your way back up the ladder to finish at 60 seconds! Can you do 2-3 sets? Set a goal and go for it!

Ready? Let’s start the metabolism!

Exercise: you don’t have time not to

Useful sites:Mountain Climber Video ; Speed and Agility